Thai 17 tuần kể từ khi thụ thai
Almost half of the term is already over, the second trimester is in full swing … At the 17th week of pregnancy from conception, the expectant mother may already begin to count the weeks until she meets her child, since there are about 19 of them left

Điều gì xảy ra với em bé ở tuần thứ 17

The child in the mother’s womb begins to grow more actively, which makes the woman’s tummy more noticeable every day. With a baby at 17 weeks pregnant, many important changes occur. His arms and legs became proportional, and his neck straightened, so that now the child can turn his head in all directions.

Under the baby teeth, the rudiments of the molars are formed, so it is important for the expectant mother to add on foods rich in calcium.

A special lubricant gradually appears on the body and head of the baby, which protects his skin from bacteria.

Changes are also taking place within the tiny body. Regions are formed in the brain that are responsible for the perception of sound, taste, visual images and touch. Now the baby hears what you say to him, and can react to it.

The baby develops fat necessary for heat transfer. The fatty layer under the skin hides many blood vessels, which used to be translucent and gave the skin a reddish color. Due to subcutaneous fat, wrinkles on the baby’s body are smoothed out.

The composition of the blood is also changing, now, in addition to red blood cells – erythrocytes – it contains leukocytes, monocytes and lymphocytes.

Siêu âm thai

At the 17th week of pregnancy, many mothers do an ultrasound of the fetus as part of the second screening. This test helps doctors determine if there are signs of abnormal development in the baby, such as hydrocephalus. The brain of the baby, which is actively developing in this period, is washed by cerebrospinal fluid. If it accumulates in the brain, it is called hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain. Due to the accumulation of fluid, the head of the child increases, and the brain tissue is compressed. In some cases, intrauterine therapy can help to cope with such a problem.

In addition to developmental anomalies, ultrasound of the fetus at 17 weeks of gestation will give doctors important information about the position of the placenta, its thickness and degree of maturity, will determine low or polyhydramnios and measure the length of the cervix.

Moreover, an ultrasound of the fetus at week 17 will give an idea of ​​​​the development of the internal organs of the child and the work of his cardiovascular system. Specialists will be able to measure the number of heartbeats and notice deviations from the norm (120-160 beats).

Cuộc sống ảnh

The baby in the belly grows very fast. At the 17th week of pregnancy, he already weighs 280-300 grams, and his height is about 24 cm. The size of the baby is comparable to the size of a mango.

Should I take a photo of the abdomen at 17 weeks pregnant? Slender girls – of course, since their tummy should already be rounded.

– In women with normal and underweight, the stomach at this time is already quite noticeable, since the bottom of the uterus almost reaches the navel (usually about 2,5 cm below the navel). In overweight and obese women, the enlargement of the abdomen may still be imperceptible, explains bác sĩ sản phụ khoa Daria Ivanova.

Điều gì xảy ra với mẹ ở tuần thứ 17

Mom changes at the 17th week of pregnancy: her weight grows, her hips are wider, and her tummy is rounder.

During this period, many women already manage to gain 3,5-6 kilograms. At the same time, not only the hips and abdomen increase, but also the chest.

Some pregnant women may notice white discharge on their underwear. Doctors warn that if they are of normal consistency and do not have a pungent odor, then progesterone probably provoked them and you should not worry.

It can also be blamed for the fact that a woman suffers from nasal congestion or bleeding from the nose and gums.

There are also positive changes: the anxiety of the expectant mother at this time is minimal, she is relaxed and maybe even a little distracted. Experts hint that this is a reason to move away from active work and devote more time to yourself.

At the 17th week of pregnancy, mothers notice changes on the skin: dark spots, freckles appear, the area around the nipples and under the navel may turn dark brown, and the palms may turn red. This is all melanin, fortunately, most darkening will disappear after childbirth.

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Bạn có thể trải qua những cảm giác gì trong 17 tuần

Feelings at the 17th week of pregnancy from conception are mostly pleasant, so this period is considered the most fertile for all 9 months.

– Usually women at this time feel good. Sometimes lower back pain may bother (especially for those women who have problems with the spine), but they should not be intense, should not be accompanied by problems with urination, fever. The same applies to pain in the pelvic region, – explains the obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Ivanova.

Frequent urination is another of the “symptoms” of this period.

“Please note that when going to the toilet there should not be any unpleasant sensations (pain, burning), the color, smell and transparency of urine should not change,” the doctor clarifies.

With such changes, you need to go to the hospital, you may have caught cystitis.

– Some pregnant women may still have nausea in the morning and rejection of pungent odors, there may be heartburn, constipation may be disturbed, discharge from the genital tract may increase (but their color should not change, there should not be an unpleasant smell), cramps may appear in the lower extremities – says Daria Ivanova.

Hàng tháng

If in the first trimester bleeding, taken for menstruation, is a fairly common thing, then at a period of 17 weeks they should already cause concern. Doctors warn that blood on underwear can mean a whole bunch of problems:

  • it can signal marginal or complete placenta previa;
  • about the onset of placental abruption;
  • about the polyp of the cervix;
  • even cervical cancer.

As you can see, the list is serious, so playing it safe in this case is the most correct option. If you notice blood on your panties, call an ambulance, the cause of “menstruation” can only be established during the examination.

Đau bụng

Not only spotting should alert a woman, but also abdominal pain. Of course, it can be heartburn or constipation, but it’s still not worth letting it go on the brakes.

– If you experience any pain in the abdomen at this time, it is better to consult a doctor. Pain can be both a sign of a threatened abortion, and a symptom of problems with the intestines (in pregnant women, the risk of appendicitis increases) or with the kidneys and bladder, explains obstetrician-gynecologist Daria Ivanova.

Xả màu nâu

The brown color of the discharge means that there are particles of clotted blood in them, and this is not good. If in the first trimester everything can be attributed to problems with blood vessels, which are getting larger, and the strength of the walls drops due to hormones, or to a hematoma that doctors can handle, then in the second trimester these causes of blood are no longer relevant.

Mom should wonder what’s bleeding and then make an appointment with the doctor. The sooner this is done, the more likely it is to minimize possible negative consequences.

Các câu hỏi và câu trả lời phổ biến

I am allergic, and during pregnancy the allergy worsened, what should I do?

– Indeed, expectant mothers often have an aggravated allergy, asthma attacks appear. There is no need to run to the pharmacy for medicines, unless you first went to the doctor. It is best to try to avoid exposure to the allergen, provide yourself with more oxygen. Make sure that there is no dust in the apartment, carry out wet cleaning. Drink more fluids. Sometimes the expectant mother does not even know what the allergy started. To begin with, review medicines and products, some of them provoke allergic reactions. If the revision did not help, go to an allergist and take tests to calculate the irritant and get rid of it.

The doctor advised to install a pessary, what is it and why is it put in pregnant women?

– During pregnancy, various complications can occur, leading to prematurity. One of the causes of premature birth is the strong pressure of the uterus on the cervix, which causes it to open ahead of time. The reasons may be different – there is polyhydramnios, and a large fetus, and several babies in the uterus.

To reduce pressure on the neck, an obstetric pessary is installed – a plastic ring. It is worn, as a rule, until 37-38 weeks, after which it is removed.

The insertion and removal of the pessary is painless, but there may be some discomfort. But this is a chance to give birth to a healthy, strong baby.

Why does placental abruption occur, can it be avoided?

The causes of placental abruption are very diverse. These can be diseases that are not related to the sexual sphere (endocrine, vascular, and others), as well as those that are directly related to pregnancy and childbirth. Therefore, it is important to regularly visit a gynecologist.

Sometimes detachment is provoked by injuries in the abdomen, sometimes it can occur after an external obstetric rotation of the child. However, half of all cases occur during childbirth. In this case, the causes of detachment are: post-term pregnancy, short umbilical cord, forced attempts, placental insufficiency, prolonged labor or twin labor.

This cannot be 100% avoided, but you can minimize the risks if you do not skip doctor’s consultations and monitor your well-being. ⠀

Có quan hệ tình dục được không?

Modern doctors are of the opinion that sex during pregnancy is even necessary if there is no risk of premature birth or other problems.

According to most gynecologists, sex during pregnancy becomes especially striking for a woman: blood flow to the pelvis increases, the vagina narrows, and the clitoris enlarges. It is a sin not to take advantage of such conditions.

But it is better to discuss this with your doctor in advance. After all, if there is a threat of miscarriage and premature birth, if there is a placenta previa, sutures on the cervix or a pessary is installed, it is better to refuse pleasures.

Làm gì nếu nhiệt độ tăng?

A common cold even in pregnant women passes in a week and a half. If the temperature is caused by ARVI, then on the 3-4th day it will decrease by itself. But SARS can lead to complications, and pregnant women are just at risk. In order not to experiment on your immunity, it is better to immediately contact a therapist, let him prescribe a treatment suitable for your situation.

The temperature can also be caused by the influenza virus, then the disease occurs at lightning speed, the temperature immediately jumps to 38-40 ° degrees, and the complications here are much more serious – up to pneumonia and pulmonary edema. To avoid this, it is better to get vaccinated in advance.

Làm gì nếu nó kéo bụng dưới?

Sometimes pregnant women feel cramps or slight pains in the lower abdomen, and sometimes even sudden sharp pains, especially when changing positions. Most often, they are provoked by sprains that support the tummy of the expectant mother.

In this case, there is no reason for excitement, you need to relax and, as they say, wait it out. However, if the pain is constant and continues even during periods of rest, or it is intense, cramping, you should call your doctor.

Ăn như thế nào cho đúng?

Quality of nutrition during pregnancy is much more important than quantity. There are foods that you should immediately exclude from the diet:

easily digestible carbohydrates (soda / desserts), they can provoke gestational diabetes;

fast food, crackers, chips – they contain a lot of salt and trans fats;

raw, unprocessed foods (sushi, raw egg mayonnaise, unpasteurized dairy products) – these may contain bacteria;

some types of fish (tuna, marlin), they can accumulate mercury;

sweetener products;

semi-finished products – sausage, sausages; moldy cheeses.

But you definitely need to eat proteins: meat, fish, eggs, dairy and soy products, legumes, nuts. The diet should contain carbohydrates: cereals, bread, pasta, vegetables, fruits. It is important to consume healthy fats: unrefined oils, nuts, fish.

And do not forget about the supplements prescribed by the doctor: folic acid, vitamin D, omega-3, iodine, calcium, iron, and more.

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