Đau ngực, sốt nhẹ và thở nông. Biết các triệu chứng của viêm cơ tim!
Đau ngực, sốt nhẹ và thở nông. Biết các triệu chứng của viêm cơ tim!

Influenza myocarditis is a serious matter. When the flu virus attacks the heart, hospital treatment is necessary. Unfortunately, the symptoms of this disease are not always so clear, and its consequences can be tragic and even lead to the death of the patient. Often the only treatment in this case is a heart transplant.

Myocarditis is one of the complications of influenza. Although we treat it as a minor disease, some people with reduced immunity, i.e. seniors, children and chronically ill people are exposed to its worst consequences. That is why prophylactic vaccination against influenza is so often called for, mainly in the case of the youngest and the elderly.

The flu and the heart – how are they connected?

Once the flu virus is in the upper respiratory tract, i.e. the bronchi, trachea, nose and throat, it multiplies in just 4 to 6 hours. In this way, it destroys or damages the cilia in the nose, which are the “first line of defense”. Once it is leveled, the virus penetrates deep into the body – if it reaches the heart, it causes inflammation of the heart muscle.

Symptoms of post-influenza myocarditis

The disease gives the first symptoms 1-2 weeks after getting the flu. Sometimes, however, it develops after a few weeks. The most characteristic symptoms that should be of concern are:

  1. Constant tiredness and drowsiness for no apparent reason
  2. Subfebrile or low-grade fever,
  3. Acceleration of the heartbeat, which is disproportionate to the exercise performed or the current state of health,
  4. general breakdown,
  5. shallow breathing and progressive shortness of breath,
  6. Cardiac arrhythmias, palpitations, prolonged tachycardias,
  7. Sometimes there are fainting, loss of consciousness and fainting,
  8. Sharp pain in the chest (behind the breastbone) that radiates to the left shoulder, back and neck. They intensify when coughing, walking, swallowing, lying on the left side,

Unfortunately, it happens that the disease does not give any symptoms and this is certainly its most dangerous form.

How to protect yourself from ZMS?

First of all, strengthen your immune system on an ongoing basis to prevent the development of the disease. However, when it does occur, the infection should be treated as soon as possible. That’s why flu shouldn’t be taken lightly – if your doctor tells you to stay in bed and take days off work, do it! There is no better cure for the flu than getting enough sleep and rest under the covers.

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