Sửu và Thìn Tương hợp cung hoàng đạo Trung Quốc

The compatibility of the Ox and the Dragon is very low. It is difficult to imagine such different personalities finding a common language. Such a bright, light, freedom-loving, eccentric and unpredictable Dragon is unlikely to be able to stay close to the heavy, slow and risk-averse Ox for a long time.

However, happy couples, consisting of the Bull and the Dragon, still happen. As a rule, these are age unions, where both partners have enough life wisdom not to cling to each other’s behavior, but to accept each other with all the shortcomings and not try to remake.

Совместимость: мужчина Бык и женщина Дракон

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is very low. And the main reason for such poor compatibility of these signs is the complete mismatch of their goals and interests. This is the case when even the obvious advantages of each other cause irritation in partners.

For example, the unhurried, prudent, economical, purposeful Man-Ox is not satisfied with the too light nature of the Dragon Woman: her frivolous outlook on life, non-attachment to home, concentration on momentary joys.

For the Dragon Woman, the Bull Man, in turn, is too clumsy, cold, and even greedy. According to Drakosha, the Ox does not know how to enjoy life at all and spends his days (and money too) on something uninteresting, boring, empty. It infuriates her that the Bull is attached to his ideals.

In addition, both signs strive for leadership. The Ox Man does not strive for captains in everyday life, he simply goes his own way, not listening to anyone. But in the family, he will not tolerate being commanded. The Dragon Woman is too selfish to let her partner be in charge of everything. She will not obey, listen to instructions, which does not really fit in with the Bull’s ideas about the ideal wife.

Тем не менее, даже при такой низкой совместимости, из мужчины-Быка и женщины-Дракона нередко получаются счастливые пары. Для этого партнерам нужно лишь принимать друг друга такими, какие они есть, восхищаться талантами друг дружки и не пилить за недостатки. Это нелегко, да! Однако это возможно! Если Бык и Дракон перестанут менять друг друга и научатся из уважения уступать, у них все получится.

The Bull Man is serious, purposeful, unhurried, largely conservative. He is not very passionate and romantic, but at the same time he always aims for a strong family, a big house, the birth and upbringing of children, a calm and measured life.

Мужчина-Бык никогда не торопится, любое его решение тщательно обдумано и взвешенно. Однако такая медлительность вовсе не мешает ему двигаться вперед и добиваться своего. Напротив, это позволяет Быку делать уверенные шаги, практически не допуская ошибок. Мужчина-Бык знает, чего хочет. Он любит планировать свою жизнь далеко вперед, иметь кубышку на черный день.

Женщина-Дракон – полная противоположность мужчины-Быка. Она живет исключительно сегодняшним днем. Она яркая, подвижная, суматошная, эмоциональная. Она старается схватиться за все сразу, не упустить ни единого шанса. Женщина-Дракон любит веселиться, общаться, знакомиться с новыми людьми и постоянно пробовать новые виды развлечений.

The Dragon Woman has very different values. Most often, the external gloss for her is much more important than the rich inner world. Perhaps, in fact, she is far from superficial, just the frantic pace of her life does not allow her to get to know people deeper.

The compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is considered very low. If there is no respect, patience and compliance in a couple, no love will keep such people close to each other.

Совместимость в любви: мужчина Бык и женщина Дракон

It is interesting that initially the compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is very high. Even too much. The fact is that these two are so different that they are instantly fascinated by each other. The Ox falls in love with the unpredictability, brightness, cheerfulness and activity of the Dragon woman. The dragon, in turn, is drawn to the calmness, intelligence and stability of the Bull.

Some contradictions arise on the first date, but at this moment they only kindle passion more, fuel the mutual interest of lovers. Both are willing to give up something. Quarrels at this stage always end in violent reconciliation.

However, when feelings come in a calmer direction, the situation worsens. The masks are dropped, rose-colored glasses are broken, and it turns out that partners are completely unprepared to endure each other’s shortcomings, to sacrifice personal interests because of a partner.

The high love compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is a deceptive phenomenon. It gives partners a sense of idyll at the very beginning of the novel, but in the future the couple will be greatly disappointed. You need to have a lot of strength and a great mutual desire to maintain a relationship.

Marriage Compatibility: Ox Man and Dragon Woman

If the partners do not respect each other, then there is no need to talk about the high compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman in marriage. And the biggest problem of the spouses is that Drakosha never puts family interests above his own. Her ego is above everything, and forcing her to stay at home is unrealistic.

Fortunately, usually the Ox and the Dragon treat each other and their marriage with respect, so they strive to do everything possible to quarrel as little as possible.

Separation of spheres of influence will help to defeat excessive irascibility and aggressiveness. Everyone needs to learn what his duties are, carefully fulfill them and not climb into the territory of another. So the interests of both spouses will be taken into account to the maximum, and at the same time, everyone will have their own piece of freedom.

The Bull Man should learn that the Dragon Woman will never become an ideal hostess. She is bored all the time hanging around in the kitchen, vacuuming the floor and ironing shirts. She is a bright creative bird that needs fresh air. She will try to become a good wife, but stability in her efforts should not be expected.

On the other hand, the Dragon woman should not scold her husband for the fact that he cannot have fun so often and accompany his wife to all sorts of cultural evenings. He sometimes likes to unwind, shake himself up, but he is not ready to constantly wander around clubs and theaters, it’s hard for him.

Compatibility in bed: Ox man and Dragon woman

Сексуальная совместимость мужчины-Быка и женщины-Дракона высока на любой стадии отношений. Страсть между партнерами очень сильна, и именно в постели они вновь и вновь вспоминают о том, как любят друг дружку.

Bull and Dragon are perfectly compatible physically. They know how to please each other. There are no complexes in this couple, lovers constantly try something new, arrange unusual dates for themselves. Here, the craving for experiments comes mainly from the Dragon woman, and the Ox man is ready to be gentle and affectionate.

Good sex for this couple is a real salvation. Here they find understanding, open up better. During intimacy, they forgive each other insults, make compromises.

Высокая сексуальная совместимость мужчины-Быка и женщины-Дракона – та самая спасительная ниточка, за которую паре стоит хвататься каждый раз, когда отношения оказываются на грани.

Friendship Compatibility: Ox Man and Dragon Woman

As for friendship, here the compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman is very low. And the reason for this is the same huge difference between the goals and characters of these guys.

Бык и Дракон могут стать очень хорошими друзьями представителям других знаков, но друг с дружкой они практически никогда не дружат. Во-первых, у них совершенно разные интересы, а это значит, что они практически нигде не пересекаются. Во-вторых, даже если Бык и Дракон встретятся, они тут же обнаружат, что абсолютно на все смотрят по-разному.

Between the Bull and the Dragon, the atmosphere is always tense: disputes, mutual accusations, quarrels. The measured Ox hates talkative people, and the eccentric Dragon woman loves to crackle, and at the same time to dish out anyone’s secrets to everyone. The closed Ox will definitely not tolerate this!

Friendship in such a couple is possible only in a situation where the Ox is much older than his young girlfriend. Then he will have enough wisdom not to be offended by the Dragon woman, not to expect much from her and not to tell her anything secret about himself. In this case, the girl will behave more respectfully, will begin to listen more to the advice of the elder.

Work Compatibility: Ox Man and Dragon Woman

The working compatibility of the Ox man and the Dragon woman depends on which of the couple is higher up the career ladder.

If these two are about the same level, or if the Dragon Woman is higher, it’s a disaster. Seeing the uncontrollable nature of the Dragon, the Ox will never accept her authority and will always challenge her decisions.

More or less adequate working relationships will develop if the Ox is the boss, and the Dragon woman is his subordinate. Then he can put pressure on the unruly worker, demand diligence from her, give her instructions and instructions. However, in order to endure such an employee, the Bull boss must have remarkable patience. He will always be annoyed in the Dragon Woman by her irresponsibility and impracticality.

If the Dragon decides to realize herself in a career, she corrects herself, pulls herself together and becomes a model of diligence and zeal. Only sooner or later will she lay her eyes on the director’s chair, and then confusion will begin anyway.

Mẹo và thủ thuật để xây dựng mối quan hệ tốt

The modern consumer society educates us in such a way that we look for ourselves what is better, simpler, closer. Therefore, when we encounter something that is not in our spirit, we resist, stand in a pose, reject. Usually, this is what the Bull and the Dragon do: having seen a bunch of contradictions, they want to move away from the problem and just disperse, avoiding difficulties. If both partners understand that absolutely any relationship can be built with the right approach, they make a surprisingly harmonious couple.

If you look from the side, both the Bull and the Dragon have a lot to learn from each other. Under the influence of the Ox man, the Dragon woman becomes more serious, calm, domestic, reasonable. She learns to act not at random, but deliberately, and in the end she achieves more herself and at the same time provides amazing support to her beloved husband. She knows how to praise, admire, gently push to something.

The Bull Man is recruited from the Dragon Woman for vitality, mobility, creativity. This gives him new opportunities in his affairs. With Drakosha, his life turns into an endless holiday, because she loves to change everything. She is very active, dances all the time, dresses up. She is happy to meet the dear friends of her husband-Ox. And I must say, the Ox has few friends, but he appreciates each of them very much.

The Ox-Dragon combination changes the social circle for both. The Bull Man makes new friends. If he does not resist the excessive sociability of his wife, he will be able to take advantage of her connections and skillfully direct them to his advantage. The Dragon Woman, under the protection of the Bull, learns to better understand people. This saves her from dubious acquaintances.

Thus, when partners focus not on the shortcomings, but on the merits of each other, they not only maintain the relationship, but also develop themselves.

Compatibility: Dragon Man and Ox Woman

In the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman remains one of the lowest. These signs are too different. In addition, they do not have what will unite them and keep them close to each other. However, there are wonderful exceptions to the rule, strong families where complete mutual understanding reigns. Life in such couples requires effort.

The Dragon Man is a terrible egoist, a power-hungry impudent type who knows what he wants in his life and achieves it by any means. Nevertheless, the Dragon is very attractive in appearance, this gentleman simply has impeccable manners. He is successful, women like him, often changes partners.

The whole life of the Dragon man revolves around himself, but at the same time he has a lot to learn. The dragon achieves the impossible, puts forward the coolest ideas. Courage makes him very talented, unusual, promising. The Dragon chooses a woman for himself, calm, but with a twist. For a long time, only the one who knows how to always remain a mystery to the chosen one is able to remain next to him. Otherwise, the Dragon quickly becomes bored, and he immediately changes the object of attention.

The Ox Woman is a strong nature, although she tries to hide her strength behind feigned emotionality and weakness. The cow is an excellent speaker, but she also listens to others just as well. The Ox Woman is the most devoted friend who does not tolerate deceit and meanness. She herself plays strictly by the rules and will butt hard anyone who does otherwise.

The Bull Woman is so independent that she could live without a man at all. However, the family for her is the most important thing in life. Having married, the Ox woman adapts to her chosen one, becomes an ideal wife and faithful friend. Her house is a model of cleanliness and comfort, and the culinary skills of such a woman are always above all praise. The Bull Woman is patient, but at the same time she remembers old grievances, and one day all the accumulated discontent can break out of her, turning into a real storm.

Одна из главных причин низкой совместимости мужчины-Дракона и женщины-Быка – самодостаточность партнеров. Каждый изначально хочет быть независимым лидером, каждый стоит на своем и упрямо не принимает мнение и желания другого.

The Dragon Man is a creative soul, constantly looking for interest, intrigue, passion. The ingenuous and straightforward Ox woman is boring and predictable for him. In turn, the Ox woman needs stability, confidence in the future. She is annoyed by understatement, mystery.

The Bull Man is a risky person. He is not afraid of difficulties and therefore rushes to implement even the most crazy idea that came into his dreamy head. The most interesting thing is that one way or another, these plans are implemented in the best possible way. However, the Ox woman does not understand all this. She is terribly afraid of risk and is drawn to more down-to-earth people.

Even being in the same company, the Dragon and the Ox are not of interest to each other. The courteous Dragon shines with charm in the center of attention, makes exquisite compliments to everyone, casually noticing the loving eyes of fans and the envious glances of other men. All this gives him great pleasure. The Ox Woman never climbs into the crowd. She avoids mass events, and if she is at a party, she will sit quietly somewhere in the corner. Perhaps he will find a suitable interlocutor.

According to the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is very low. These signs are so different that it’s hard to even imagine that they met and even started some kind of conversation. Most likely, the Dragon and the Ox will not show any interest in each other. And even if they begin to communicate, they will not be able to understand each other.

Love Compatibility: Dragon Man and Ox Woman

The love compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman can be high only at the very beginning of the relationship, while mutual interest obscures the eyes of partners. The difference in characters creates intrigue for the Dragon, who wants to unravel the Ox woman, understand her and fall in love with herself. As soon as the Dragon realizes that there is no particular mystery, interest may disappear.

Все же, если Дракон и Бык вступили в отношения, это будет что-то очень красивое и яркое, похожее на сказку. Причем, как для женщины, так и для мужчины.

The compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman in love is especially high in the romantic period. The courtship of the Dragon is simply magical, unusual, emotional, and the temperamental Ox woman will appreciate these efforts.

Marriage Compatibility: Dragon Man and Ox Woman

The level of compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is directly related to the age of the partners. The older the Ox and especially the Dragon, the more they understand the need to create a family. If at the age of 25–30 a marriage between representatives of these signs can hardly be successful, then after 30–35 years the spouses are much more likely to maintain a relationship. In any case, the atmosphere in the family will often be tense, and the main reason for all the problems is the eccentric nature of the Dragon.

The Dragon Man is too out of touch with reality, he lives in a different world, and he often does not understand the aspirations and anxieties of his wife. For the Dragon, the family will never be in the first place, because for him the most important thing is some external achievements, friends, entertainment. For all this, he is ready to spend the lion’s share of his time and money.

The Ox Woman in such a family is unlikely to concentrate only on the role of a housewife. To provide at least some stability, it will continue to work and will be completely self-sufficient. If she were a little more cunning, she would have learned to control her husband’s expenses, but it is easier for a proud Ox woman to do everything herself than to ask her husband for something.

The Bull Woman is very patient. She gives all her strength to home and family. She tries to learn as much as possible about the problems and desires of her loved ones in order to please them, to make their life as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. The Ox Woman does not share her husband’s love for parties and extreme sports, she often stays at home or visits her friends.

If the Dragon man appreciates the efforts of his wife and feels grateful that she gives him so much freedom, he also tries to please her and be with her more often, comes up with some joint events and trips. If the Dragon has not yet matured for a serious relationship, he may get bored and go left. Obviously, if the wife finds out about the adventures of her betrothed, disaster cannot be avoided. In a fit of rage, the Ox woman can cripple her negligent spouse.

Compatibility in bed: Dragon man and Ox woman

А вот в плане секса совместимость мужчины-Дракона и женщины-Быка довольно-таки высока. Физическое влечение между партнерами сильно на раннем этапе отношений и не теряет своей силы даже спустя много лет совместной жизни. Интим в паре частый, яркий, эмоциональный.

It is noteworthy that the Dragon and the Ox can extinguish their daily quarrels in bed and achieve reconciliation in such an interesting way.

In the bedroom, partners understand each other well, practice all sorts of experiments. Moreover, the initiator of innovation can be both the Dragon and the Ox.

The sexual compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is high at any stage. The amazing physical compatibility of the signs is complemented by a deep spiritual intimacy.

Friendship Compatibility: Dragon Man and Ox Woman

A good comrade comes out of the Dragon, and the Ox woman can be a very good friend. But the Dragon and the Ox are usually not friends with each other because of the difference in characters.

Even if the Dragon and the Ox have to intersect somewhere or conduct a common business, they communicate little and do not go to the level of friendly relations. For the Bull, the Dragon man is too hectic, irresponsible and frivolous, and for the Dragon, the Bull woman is a boring bore.

The low friendly compatibility of the Dragon man and the Ox woman is the result of different worldviews, different rhythms of life. The Dragon and the Bull are not interested in each other. Even if they have common hobbies or projects, they will communicate at a minimum.

Совместимость в работе: мужчина Дракон и женщина Бык

Рабочая совместимость мужчины-Дракона и женщины-Быка находится на среднем уровне. Дракон, по мнению Быка, бывает безрассудным до халатности. На него трудно положиться, хотя способности Дракона порой поражают. Гороскоп говорит, что Дракон может быть исполнительным и подконтрольным, если над ним будет стоять сильное начальство.

A favorable picture is when the Ox woman is the boss, and the Dragon man is her right hand. In this case, all brilliant ideas will benefit the enterprise, and indomitable energy will result in enviable productivity. True, it is possible that the Dragon will show disrespect for the boss. He would like to see more purposefulness and business acumen in the leader.

When the boss is the Dragon, it is difficult for the Ox woman to work with him. She doesn’t understand what they want from her. The boss does not inspire confidence in her and confidence in the future. The Dragon will not accept the advice of the Ox, pride will not allow him to listen to anyone’s instructions. Especially if they come from a woman.

Mẹo và thủ thuật để xây dựng mối quan hệ tốt

Despite the low compatibility, the Dragon man and the Ox woman may well build a strong union if their feelings are strong and there is also a desire to work on themselves. To begin with, the spouses should talk and find out what values ​​each of them has, what is important for both individually and together. And based on this information, take some steps.

A close-knit family will not work if at least one of them refuses to make concessions and continues to try to remake the partner for himself. Ox and Dragon are very strong signs, they do not change under pressure.

It is important for the Ox Woman to accept that her husband is a born leader, a proud, selfish man who hates his wife’s domineering behavior. He is able to lead the family to prosperity, if he is not interfered with, but on the contrary, pushed to new achievements. Yes, the Dragon requires a special approach. The dragon must be taken with gentleness, understanding, praise, and any help from him should be asked, not demanded. Under pressure, he will not even fulfill his direct duties.

In turn, the Dragon man must understand that the Ox woman is a patient, but quick-tempered lady. Her trust and gentle disposition should not be abused.

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