Các triệu chứng của rối loạn cơ xương khớp gối

Các triệu chứng của rối loạn cơ xương khớp gối

Hội chứng Patellofemoral

  • A đau around the kneecap, in front of the knee. It can be acute and occasional pain, recurrent or chronic pain. During its first manifestations, pain appears sau khi rather than during hoạt động, but if the problem is not treated, the symptoms intensify and are also present during the activity;
  • Some people experience crepitations in the knee: scratching noises very fine that occur in the joint, with or without pain. Sometimes the crackles are very loud;
  • Patella pain in position ngồi when there is not enough space to extend the legs (like in the cinema), also called “cinema sign”;
  • Periods when the knee ” lỏng lẻo Suddenly;
  • Pain increases when borrowing cầu thang nơi chúng tôingồi xổm ;
  • Swelling is rare.

Hội chứng ma sát dây thần kinh.

Symptoms of musculoskeletal knee disorders: understand it all in 2 min

Knee pain, felt in the outer (side) part of the knee. It is rarely associated with pain in the hip. The pain is exacerbated by activity physical (such as running, mountain walking, or cycling). The pain is often more severe when going down the ribs (walking or running). Usually, its intensity increases with distance and makes it necessary to stop the activity.

về bao viêm

Bursitis most often results in a sưng in front of the knee between the skin and the kneecap. Bursitis rarely causes pain after the initial shock has passed. Sometimes there is discomfort in the kneeling position in chronic bursitis when the bursa and skin have thickened.

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