Ở lớp một, anh ấy gặp khó khăn trong việc viết

Tightened on his pencil, Arthur struggles. He writes crookedly, it’s illegible and it hurts his arm. He is late, so he is often the last to go out for recess. He is a lively, gifted child who is happy to learn to read. But his difficulties in writing mar his pride and begin to discourage him.

A question of psychomotor maturity

During the first grade, it is learning to read that focuses the attention of teachers. Writing must follow, willy-nilly, from the start of the year. However, between 5 and 7 years old, the child is at the “precalligraphic” stage: he does not yet have the psychomotor maturity required to write well. His writing is slow, irregular and careless, this is normal. But we are in a hurry, we must go quickly, write quickly. Children feel this pressure. Result: they hurry, write badly, go over the line, it is chopped, crossed out, often illegible, and above all, they are so tense that it hurts them! 

Writing should be fun

Writing also requires a certain socio-emotional maturity: to write is to grow up, to move towards autonomy, and thus to distance yourself a little more from your mother. For some it is still difficult. “If there are erasures everywhere, it is sometimes a child who wants to do too well or who could be emotional, anxious. In some cases, a few sessions with the shrink can help, ”says Emmanuelle Rivoire, graphologist and graphotherapist. And for those who really have trouble with writing, whose lines are dented, with overlapping letters or are posed without connection, a few graphotherapy sessions may be required. But for the vast majority, it is simply learning that is the problem.

Khôi phục sự tự tin của anh ấy

Sometimes not sufficiently trained in writing, and with busy classes, teachers do not always detect a bad grip of the pencil and a bad position of the body in relation to the sheet, which causes pain. Thus, writing, which should be linked to the pleasure of conveying a message, becomes a painful chore.

And the child withdraws and becomes demotivated.

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