Điều trị y tế cho bệnh suy tim

Nếu bạn có một thẻ học sinh acute crisis

Nếu bạn có một thẻ học sinh acute crisis, marked by difficulty in breathing or severe pain in the lungs, contact các dịch vụ khẩn cấp sớm nhất có thể.

While waiting for help, get the person to a seated position and give them nitroglycerin (previously prescribed). This fast-acting medication dilates the arteries in the heart. Acute attacks occur mostly at night.


When the cause is treatable, it must first be addressed. For example, repairing or replacing a heart valve can end theSuy tim.

When it is not possible to act directly on the cause, treatments aim to relieve the symptoms. It is quite possible to regain a quality of life and slow the progression of the disease. With new treatments, it is sometimes even possible to regress the disease.

Medical treatments for heart failure: understand everything in 2 minutes

Important fact: the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the more effective the treatment. Unfortunately, it is often diagnosed at an advanced stage.

Lợi ích lâm sàng heart failure linked to hospitals offer therapeutic follow-up and all the information required. You can obtain the services of several interveners: cardiologist, nurse, pharmacist, dietitian, physiotherapist and social worker.

dược phẩm

For the majority of people, it will be necessary to take dược phẩm. Often, three or four types of medication are combined in order to achieve optimal results. Their action is complementary: some, for example, contribute to củng cố trái tim, others to decrease water retention.

Angiotensinogen converting enzyme (ACEI) inhibitors. Their vasodilator action (which increases the opening of the arteries) has the effect of lowering blood pressure and reducing the effort required by the patient. tim. In addition, they reduce the retention of water and salts by the kidneys. ACE inhibitors prevent the formation of angiotensin II, a vasoconstrictor (which reduces the opening of the arteries) that increases blood pressure. This type of drug causes an irritating cough in about 10% of its users. Examples include lisinopril, captopril, and enalapril.

Angiotensin II receptor blockers. These drugs block the vasoconstrictor effect of angiotensin II by preventing it from attaching to its site of action. Their effect is therefore similar to that of ACEIs. Examples include losartan and valsartan.

Thuốc chẹn beta. These medicines (for example, carvedilol, bisoprolol, and metoprolol) reduce the rate of the heartbeat and make the heart contract better.

Thuốc lợi tiểu. Mainly used to treat hypertension, diuretics can also be useful in cases ofSuy tim. By increasing the volume of urine, they help remove excess fluid that accumulates in the lungs or limbs. The most commonly used are furosemide and bumetanide. These diuretics, on the other hand, cause the loss of minerals, such as potassium and magnesium. The taking of supplements is justified in certain cases, according to the results obtained during the blood tests.

Aldosterone antagonists. This type of medicine has a diuretic effect but does not cause loss of potassium (a potassium-sparing diuretic). Examples are spironolactone and eplerenone (Inspra®). Aldosterone is a substance produced by the adrenal glands that increases blood pressure. This type of medication is particularly effective in cases ofSuy tim nghiêm trọng.

Digoxin. Its tonic effect on the heart makes it possible to obtain more effective cardiac contractions. In addition, it slows down and regulates the nhịp tim. Digoxin is extracted from digitalis, a herbaceous plant.

Cách sống

Cải tiến tình trạng thể chất is also part of the therapeutic approach. It also plays a determining role in the symptoms. Anything that reduces heart strain has a beneficial effect:

  • Giảm cân;
  • Less generous and less salty meals;
  • Less frequent consumption of red meat;
  • A walking routine;
  • Ways to be less stressed, etc.

The doctor or nurse in the heart failure clinic offers advice on this.

phẫu thuật

Certain surgical procedures may be prescribed to treat the cause of heart failure. Thus, it is possible to restore blood flow in a coronary artery blocked by atherosclerosis, with the help of a nong mạch vành or phẫu thuật bắc cầu (for more information, see our card on cardiac disorders). For some arrhythmias, an artificial pacemaker (máy tạo nhịp tim) or one Máy khử rung tim, if there is a high risk of cardiac arrest.

  • Valve surgery. Heart failure can be caused by the failure of a valve in the heart. Depending on the problem, the doctor may decide to repair the valve (valvuloplasty) or to replace it with a prosthesis;
  • Ghép tim. Heart transplantation is sometimes considered, especially in people under the age of 65 given the scarcity of organ donors.

IT tiên boa

  • Sleeping with the torso lifted using pillows makes it easier to breathe;
  • Weigh yourself every morning after urinating. Write the result in a notebook. Contact your doctor if you gain weight 1,5 kg (3,3 pounds) or more in one day;
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol, since it worsens the symptoms.


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