Điểm cộng một ngón tay: làm thế nào để điều trị? Video

An abscess that appears on a finger or toe, according to medical terminology, is called felon. Most often, it occurs when the skin is damaged by a splinter, if this place was not promptly disinfected with iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide or similar preparations. If the situation is running, and the process of inflammation has already begun, and the surgeon is not nearby (for example, on a hike), you can start treating an abscess on the finger with folk remedies.

Pluses a finger: how to treat?

Many plants have the ability to draw pus from an abscess on a finger or toe. Among the first are the famous coltsfoot, plantain and aloe. Wash fresh leaves of plantain or coltsfoot and lightly rub in your hands or tear (you can even make gruel by chopping the leaves), then attach to the abscess and fix with a bandage. Change after 2-3 hours. After 12 hours, the plants should draw out the pus. If you have aloe on hand, use its stretching properties. Cut the aloe leaf lengthwise so that juice appears, and tie it to the abscess with the inside, secure with a bandage or plaster.

Try over-the-counter herbs. For example, St. John’s wort. Pour 1 tbsp. l. dry herbs with a glass of boiling water, cover with a napkin and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Soak a cotton pad or swab in the infusion, apply to the abscess and secure with a bandage.

If you have free time, you can, instead of a lotion, hold your finger with an abscess in the infusion of St. John’s wort for 20 minutes. After an hour, repeat the procedure.

An excellent remedy is baked onions. It helps even in advanced cases, when the fingernail is already damaged. Put half an onion on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 30 minutes. Take out and check the degree of readiness – pierce the onion with a toothpick, if the toothpick easily goes inside, then the onion is ready to use. Cool it down, separate the wedge and attach it to the abscess. Secure with a bandage or plaster. After a few hours, the abscess will break through and the pus will come out.

Another faithful helper is the Kalanchoe plant

Pass through a meat grinder or grind in a blender such an amount of Kalanchoe so that when you squeeze it through a 2-layer piece of gauze, you get ¼ cup of juice. Combine the juice with half a glass of butter (olive or ghee) and put in a water bath for half an hour. When the mixture cools down, lubricate the affected area, grabbing the area and near it, or, wetting a cotton pad, apply to the abscess on your finger, fixing with a bandage. Kalanchoe is able to cure the most terrible and largest abscesses in the area of ​​lesions.

You can try pine resin for an abscess. Apply it to a cotton pad and apply to the sore spot. After 2-3 hours, the damaged finger will stop hurting, and the abscess will begin to dissolve. Just in case, repeat the procedure several times.

There are also plants and vegetables that can be effective in helping with an abscess:

  • calendula flowers (marigold)
  • cúc la mã dược phẩm
  • cây hoàng liên
  • bird cherry leaves
  • buckwheat leaves
  • cây me ngựa
  • khoai tây sống
  • củ cải đường thô
  • cây tầm ma
  • henbane root

You can use these plants simply by applying to the abscess, but it will be more effective to use them in a crushed state. Cut with a knife, grate, pass through a meat grinder and apply in the form of gruel to the abscess

You can use essential oils as a mild pain reliever, anti-inflammatory and draining agent. The most effective oils are lavender, chamomile and tea tree oils. Put 2-3 drops on a cotton pad and apply to the abscess, secure with a bandage. You can use the oils separately, or you can make a mixture by combining 1-2 drops of each of the oils.

Make a healing solution. To do this, pour 1 tbsp into a glass of warm boiled water. l. baking soda and 1 tbsp. salt, add 10 drops of 3% iodine tincture or 3-5 manganese crystals. Mix everything well, dip your finger with an abscess into the solution and hold for 15-20 minutes. During this time, the skin will soften and the abscess will break through.

If the abscess does not break, you can enhance the effect of the bath by applying another folk remedy immediately after it. Mix half a teaspoon of natural honey and the same amount of wheat flour. You should have a dough-like mass. Make a cake out of it, attach to the softened abscess and secure with a plaster. Leave it on for 10-12 hours. An abscess usually breaks out during this time, and the cake draws out the pus.

Instead of a honey cake, you can apply a crumb of rye or wheat bread dipped in warm milk to the abscess. Or a mixture of rye crumb with hot milk and softened butter

Folk remedies for abscesses

Another remedy will help you get rid of an abscess on your toe. Dilute fresh low-fat cottage cheese with warm milk and keep your finger with an abscess in this bath for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 4-5 times a day. Discomfort is possible in the form of a slight pinching of the sore spot, but after a day or two, the inflammation will stop, and the abscess, even a very large one, will completely disappear.

If the finger continues to tear, make warm baths from Japanese Sophora (available at the pharmacy). Dilute the tincture with warm water in a ratio of 1: 5, dip your finger in the solution and hold for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 6-8 times during the day.

Folk remedies will definitely help you.

The main thing is that in no case try to open an abscess on your finger with a needle or blade!

It is possible that you will bring an infection under the skin, which can spread quickly, and then you will condemn yourself to long-term treatment for sepsis. Also, you do not need to massage and rub the abscess intensively, this can also lead to blood poisoning. See your doctor as soon as possible.

Also interesting to read: stomatitis treatment.

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