Goblet pseudo-talker (Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis)

Hệ thống học:
  • Phân bộ: Basidiomycota (Basidiomycetes)
  • Phân ngành: Agaricomycotina (Agaricomycetes)
  • Lớp: Cơ quan sinh dục (Agaricomycetes)
  • Phân lớp: Agaricomycetidae (Agaricomycetes)
  • Đặt hàng: Agaricales (Agaric hoặc Lamellar)
  • Họ: Tricholomataceae (Tricholomovye hoặc Ryadovkovye)
  • Genus: Pseudoclitocybe
  • Kiểu: Pseudoclitocybe cyathiformis (Pseudoclitocybe goblet)
  • người nói chuyện cốc
  • Clitocybe caithiformis

Sự miêu tả:

Hat 4-8 cm in diameter, deep funnel-shaped, cup-shaped, with an uneven curved edge, silky, dry in dry weather, hygrophanous, grayish-brownish in wet weather.

The plates are rare, descending, grayish, light brownish, lighter than the cap.

Bột bào tử có màu trắng.

The leg is thin, 4-7 cm long and about 0,5 cm in diameter, hollow, with a pubescent base, one-color with a hat or lighter

The pulp is thin, watery, grayish-brown.

Lan tràn:

Distributed from early August to late September in coniferous and mixed forests, on litter and decaying wood, singly and in groups, rarely.

Sự giống nhau:

It is similar to the funnel talker, from which it easily differs in shape, in general brownish-brownish color, grayish flesh and a thinner hollow leg.

Đánh giá:

ít được biết đến nấm ăn được, used fresh (boiling for about 15 minutes), you can salt and marinate

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