TV, trò chơi điện tử cho trẻ em: tương lai nào cho con em chúng ta?

TV, video games for toddlers: they are rather favorable

Here are the testimonials of those who are rather favorable to television and video games for children.

“I think all of this TV hype is ridiculous. My kids are almost 3 years old and they love cartoons. Thanks to them, they learn a lot of things. I make them discover the Disney that they love and that we watch together. On the other hand, the TV never works continuously. Like most children, they have it in the morning to wake up, sometimes before a nap and a little in the evening. ” lesgrumox

 “Personally, I think television can be beneficial, if used wisely and sparingly. Today’s youth programs are very well suited to toddlers. Most cartoons have a socio-educational role and are interactive. My 33 month old son watches TV very regularly. He participates by responding in particular to questions asked by Dora the Explorer. He thus enriched his knowledge in terms of vocabulary, logic, mathematics and observation. For me, it is complementary to the other activities that I offer (drawing, puzzle…). And then, we have to admit it: it takes a hell of a thorn in my side when I have to give the bath to his 4 month old brother or when I have to prepare the meal. However, I always make sure that Nils does not come across images that may offend his sensitivity. I avoid, for example, that he is with us when we watch a detective film or simply the television news. ” Emilie

“I admit that Elisa watches a few cartoons in the morning (Dora, Oui Oui, Le Manège Enchanté, Barbapapa…), and a bad mother that I am, it channels her when I need to know that she is quietly occupied. For example, when I go to take a shower, I put a cartoon on it and close the security gate in the living room. But I’m not overdoing it too much either. I think that for this to be harmful, you really have to spend several hours a day there, be too close to the TV… The important thing is also to monitor the programs. ” Rapinzelle

TV, video games for toddlers: they are rather against

Here are the testimonials of those who are rather against it when it comes to television and video games for children.

“With us, no TV! Moreover, we have only had one for 3 months and it is neither in the living room nor in the kitchen. We only watch it occasionally (a little bit in the morning for news). But for our baby, it’s forbidden and I think it will be for a long time to come. When I was little, it was like that at home too and when I see the series that girls of my age were watching today: I don’t regret a second! ” AlizeaDoree

“My husband is categorical on the subject: no television for our little girl. It must be said that she is only 6 months old … For my part, I had never asked myself the question and when I was little I loved cartoons. But eventually, I start to agree with him especially since I saw how captivated our baby seems to be with the images on television. So for now, no TV and when she is a little older, she will have the right to some cartoons (Walt Disney …) but not every day. When it comes to video games, we weren’t used to being kids so we’re not for it either. ” Caroline

TV, video games for toddlers: they are rather mixed

Here are the testimonials of those who are rather mixed about television and video games for children.

“At home too, the TV is debating. I didn’t watch much TV as a kid, unlike my husband. So, for the older ones (5 and 4 years old), we try to balance the no TV at all (me) and the too much TV (him). For the last one, who is 6 months old, it is quite obvious that she is banned (although I recently saw a channel especially for him on cable: Baby TV). After saying it’s harmful, maybe not, the programs are done in such a way that they teach the child something. Personally, I prefer that they practice other activities (puzzle, plasticine…). My husband is a big fan of video games, so it’s hard to say no. My 5 year old daughter is just starting to play DS, but under our supervision. She doesn’t play it every day and not for long each time. ” Anne laure

“My two-and-a-half-year-old daughter has the right to watch Disney movies, with me or her dad. Occasionally too, on weekends at breakfast time, she can watch some cartoons but not more than 2 hour. And always in the presence of an adult, since she handles the remote control very well, I am wary: she is able to come across clips of Lady Gaga! ” Aurelie

“When he was a toddler, my first baby loved TV, especially ads for colors and music… Now, I limit him to the TV side, otherwise he would spend his life in front (he is three years old). The second watches less television than the first at the same age… It interests him less, so I worry less. On the other hand, I have nothing against giving them a nice Disney from time to time. ” Coralie 


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