Làm gì nếu nghi ngờ ung thư

Here are 4 steps for a patient with suspected cancer.

1st stage: appointment with the attending physician (a suspicion of a malignant neoplasm was revealed).

During the appointment, the doctor must issue a referral for a consultation with an oncologist.

Term for issuing a referral – 1 day.

2nd stage: appointment with an oncologist. The doctor must see the patient no later than 5 working days from the issuance of the referral. At the reception, the oncologist conducts a biopsy (sampling of biological material), issues directions for diagnostic studies.

Terms of research / obtaining conclusions:

  • cyto / histological examination of biological material – 15 working days;

  • computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI diagnostics) – 14 calendar days.

Depending on the medical indications, the technical capabilities of the hospital, the experience and qualifications of the doctor, these studies can be carried out at a higher level medical facility. Then the doctor must refer the patient to this institution. At the same time, the deadline for the completion of studies must be observed.

3rd stage: repeated appointment with the oncologist. The doctor evaluates the research results and makes a preliminary or final diagnosis.

4th stage: consultation. A meeting of a group of doctors, at which the further treatment plan of the patient is determined, including the decision on hospitalization if indicated.

Hospitalization waiting time: 14 calendar days.

Please note: we have indicated the maximum time frame for consultation and research.

If you are insured with SOGAZ-Med, then in case of violation of the terms, you can contact the insurance company. Just leave a request on the site sogaz-med.ru or call the contact center at 8-800-100-07-02.

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