Tặng gì cho phụ nữ Song Tử ngày 8/XNUMX

What to give Gemini on March 8? There are several ideas here that are based on the main characteristic of this sign – intelligence.

Representatives of this sign will appreciate the “smart” technology, all kinds of gadgets. You can choose anything as a gift – from a toaster or egg cooker to a robot vacuum cleaner, from an interesting simulator to a new laptop, the main thing is that the gift can be examined and pressed on different buttons.

And Gemini will also appreciate a subscription to a good popular magazine or book – only light and informative in content or fashionable, which everyone is talking about.

A good gift is a subscription to a fitness center or a trip to some new, hitherto unknown place. After all, Gemini are passionate travelers, they need a change of impressions like air. Moreover, that distant countries, that a trip out of town – will be assessed almost on equal terms. For Gemini, the very spirit of the trip, the change of scenery is important. 


A dessert that will delight Gemini

For Gemini, dessert is an excuse to sit in a pleasant company for a sincere conversation. And it is desirable that the sweetness combines a duet of pronounced flavors. Gemini ignore dried fruits and candied fruits, but new textures are only welcome. The Gemini will also appreciate the dessert prepared according to the recipe of the famous chef.

Therefore, take note of the champagne jelly recipe from Evgeny Klopotenko, as well as the recipe for an interesting Kinder delice cake. The Gemini will also like the “Scarlet Heart” cake, delicious and bright, as well as orange tiramisu from Jamie Oliver. 

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Nhớ lại trước đó chúng ta đã nói về những món quà phổ quát cho ngày 8/8, có lẽ trong bài viết này bạn cũng sẽ nắm được ý tưởng, đồng thời tư vấn những món ăn mà bạn có thể nấu cho ngày XNUMX/XNUMX cùng con cái. 

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