Người phụ nữ gọi cảnh sát để trả lời bình luận của công chúng về việc cho con bú

In our country, this woman would immediately receive the label #Yazhmat on her forehead. But even in America, where this happened, not everyone approved of her act.

It was in the USA, in the state of Georgia. A young mom named Avery Lane dropped by the post office with her friend. She sat on a chair, waiting for her to finish her business and they can go on business. But … young mothers can always have a problem. Here at Avery’s baby, sleeping peacefully in a sling, suddenly woke up and made it clear that he was hungry. Hungry means you need to feed. Which is what Avery did.

The sight of the nursing mother, however, was somewhat embarrassing to the post office staff. One of the managers approached her: “Do you have a towel or something like that to hide behind?”

“I was shocked! I looked at him and said that I had no towels, but I have a muslin diaper, I can lend him to cover his face with it, ”Avery was indignant on her Facebook page.

She was, by the way, in her own right. According to the laws of the state of Georgia (yes, many states of America have their own laws, sometimes quite idiotic), a mother has the right to breastfeed her baby wherever she pleases. However, the manager asked the woman to leave the premises and continue to feed the baby elsewhere. Avery didn’t just leave, she called the police.

“I decided that if this ignoramus does not know the laws, then the police will be able to tell him about them,” the woman continued.

The police arrived. And they explained to the manager that there is nothing wrong with a mother breastfeeding. And if he doesn’t like it, these are his purely personal problems.

“I did it so that mothers would not hesitate to breastfeed. I refuse to cover my baby or hide in the car when I need to feed him, ”Avery said.

Many people supported my mother. Her post on Facebook got 46 thousand likes and almost 12 thousand shares. And comments that were quite ambiguous.

“I don’t understand why the request to cover up causes so much protest. What is so humiliating in this request? Nobody asks you to hide in a closet or put a paper bag over your head. For some reason, the need to put on panties when leaving the house does not upset anyone, – wrote one of the readers. “And if you were visiting someone and the owners asked you to cover yourself, would you also call the police?”

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  • Đây là chuyện thân mật, đem ra trưng bày là không biết xấu hổ.

  • Nếu bạn không cho ăn ở nhà, bạn luôn có thể tìm một góc vắng vẻ.

  • Nếu bạn che mình bằng một chiếc khăn, thì sẽ không ai nhận ra điều gì. Không cần phải biến một con voi ra khỏi con ruồi!

  • Đi ăn nhà hàng khi bạn đang cho con bú không phải là hoạt động cần thiết nhất. Cần phải đoán lúc cho ăn.

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