Beer or wine – what makes you drunk faster?

A lot has been written about the amazing properties of wine – and poems, and essays, and scientific articles. However, beer does not lag behind, for example, 97-year-old Robertina even considers drinking beer the secret of her longevity.

But be that as it may, about the benefits, but such a nuance is interesting – which of these drinks “hits the head” faster?

The answer to this question was helped by Mc Mitchell of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. He decided to do a little research. A group of 15 men were asked to consume different drinks on different days – some beer and some wine. The subjects’ body weights were approximately equal and they were asked to drink at the same rate for 20 minutes. It turned out that alcohol from wine got into the blood faster.

Its content reached its peak 54 minutes after the start of use. The beer gave the highest blood alcohol reading after 62 minutes. So a glass of wine will hit your head faster than a pint of beer.


So if you need to conduct negotiations or an important meeting in an informal setting, then go for beer. If, however, only wine is served, then drink it in small sips. The slower you drink, the less alcohol actually reaches your brain.

Curiously, so far the researchers find it difficult to say which drink is the heavier hangover. So beer and wine are about the same when it comes to how hard the next day will be.

We will remind, earlier we told what products cannot be combined with alcohol, as well as how to choose wine according to the sign of the zodiac. 

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