Trở lại với chính mình: cách vượt qua thái độ tiêu cực và khám phá tài năng

Getting in touch with yourself and conquering your fears will help you prioritize your life. Don’t be afraid to choose, don’t be afraid to be yourself. It may turn out that all your life you have been rejecting something really important. However, it’s never too late to fix things.

1. Từ khóa

Take a sheet of paper, write down on it: “My main desires” – and designate each of them with one keyword. Do not limit yourself and do not try to appear in your own eyes as someone else. Whatever it is: family, work, hobbies or personal life – these are your needs. This will be the starting point for all other decisions that will have to be made.

2. Cuộc sống cá nhân

For many of us, personal life is one of the main priorities. But in the realm of feelings, things are often complicated. If you are feeling dissatisfied, ask yourself: what are you missing? Perhaps time with loved ones, attention or surprises. Write down your needs.

Then talk to your soulmate. Do this at a time when both of you feel good. Start with the positive aspects of your relationship, then list what it lacks. Don’t demand an immediate response from your loved one. Rather, ask him to ask himself the same questions, and then return to this conversation.

After both of you have identified your needs, look for possible solutions together. And then act – everyone will do this on their own.

After a trial period that you agree on separately – let it be a time that you set yourself – take stock. Discuss if you are satisfied with the result. Are you better together? Can anything else be improved? Just keep in mind that your goal is not to blame your partner for his mistakes, but to make the relationship happy.

3. Album of talents

Set aside a free evening for this, prepare a pen and notebook. Take things that will help you remember the past: photographs, souvenirs … Remember the moments when you were happy, experienced joy, pride, satisfaction. What unites them? What did you do?

Perhaps you enjoyed cooking, or leading people, or being creative. These are your talents. Sketch them in a notebook and commit yourself in writing to spend time developing them. Consider where in life you could find a use for your talents.

4. Installations at work

By identifying unconscious attitudes, we reduce their influence.

“Be perfect.” Fear of not doing the job perfectly makes you look for mistakes in it and leads to increased anxiety and the search for approval from superiors. It is better to take moderate risks than to waste energy on endless double-checks.

“Make an effort.” The belief that pleasure and work are incompatible: “you can’t even take a fish out of a pond without effort.” Perhaps you think that what comes easy is not work at all. This attitude leads to emotional burnout. Give preference to projects where you can realize talents.

“Be so kind.” An attitude that forces us to take care of others at the expense of ourselves. As a result, we often find ourselves behind everyone else who was kindly let in first. The result is dissatisfaction and lack of career growth. If this sounds familiar to you, it’s time to learn how to say no.

“You must be strong.” It causes us to stoically fail with a stone face, ignoring negative emotions. Sounds like a good idea, but be careful: this behavior can attract tyrannical bosses. Better learn to respond to your emotions and show them.

“Come quickly”. Anxiety about wasted time – and the vicious circle of absent-mindedness and anxiety that it creates. Worry prevents us from focusing, and distraction makes us feel guilty about not being productive enough.

The result is disrespect for ourselves, because we set the bar too high for ourselves and do not reach it. In this case, you should slow down and figure out what you are competent in.

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